
Learn to love your scales!

What comes into your mind when you think about scales and arpeggios? Perhaps memories from childhood - being nagged by a teacher to practise? Or maybe even a degree of perplexity about exactly what they are?

Many of us have a love/hate relationship with scales. When I think back to my teenage years I realise I owe my music teachers an apology for my lack of application when it came to these fundamental exercises. Time and again I would spend the last two or three weeks before a music exam frantically cramming my scales and arpeggios instead of learning them gradually over a longer period, Fortunately for me, I had an uncanny ability to learn them at speed and I usually got away with this last minute feverish rush of learning. The downside was that I never really absorbed them thoroughly, so within a couple of weeks of the exam I’d forgotten them all again! My slapdash approach must have been infuriating, but those teachers I’m still in touch with seem to have forgiven me!

Of course the irony is I’ve seen the same situation from the other side of the fence many times during my teaching career, quietly trying cajoling my students to start learning their scales and arpeggios as early as possible…

What are scales and arpeggios?

The first movement of Telemann’s Sonata in F major which is built upon lots of scale patterns.

Scales and arpeggios are the fundamental building blocks of music and all western music is created from these patterns. A scale uses neighbouring notes, while an arpeggio uses the 1st, 3rd and 5th steps of a scale to create a broken chord, where the notes are played in turn to create a melodic line rather than as harmonies.

Major and minor scales contain eight different pitches within each octave, arranged in a particular combination of tones and semitones. On the other hand, a chromatic scale includes all 12 notes - just as you would if you played every black and white note in order on the piano.

You’re probably most familiar with the concept of major, minor and chromatic scales, but there are many more types besides. Pentatonic scales have just five notes (sound just the black notes on a piano and you’re playing a pentatonic scale), modes are created from the patterns made by playing the white notes of the keyboard in different combinations, and jazz musicians have their own varieties of scales.

They’re not just a feature of western music either - in some musical cultures other patterns are used. For instance, Indian music is based on ragas - scale patterns which can include intervals even smaller than our semitone.

Why do I need to learn scales and arpeggios?

This is a cry many teachers have heard from their students in frustration! While they may not seem terribly exciting, learning scales and arpeggios helps your music making in many different ways. Let’s look at some of them…

They help you gain fluency

If we’re to play music with ease and speed, fluency is vital. Getting to the point where your fingers automatically find the patterns needed for each note at speed will allow you to tackle ever more challenging repertoire. If you have to stop and think about which fingers to move before each note (as a total beginner might) your musical lines will lack a sense of flow.

Improve your sight reading skills

Because music is made up of scale and arpeggio patterns, being able to recognise and fluently play these combinations of notes helps you read unfamiliar music more easily. If you want a comparison, it’s a bit like learning to read text. When we first learn to read we recognise the individual letters. Gradually we learn that these letters often appear together in particular combinations so we begin to recognise syllables and ultimately whole words and sentences. The notes of a scale are like the individual letters, while a scale is a long word or sentence which we take in at a glance through familiarity.

Coordinating finger movements

One of the big challenges of recorder playing is the complexity of the fingerings. Modern wind instruments have keywork to help simplify the finger patterns. Recorders lack these, so instead we have to play complex forked fingerings (for instance B flat on the descant or E flat on treble recorder). Shifting between neighbouring notes can often involve moving multiple fingers up and down simultaneously. We can use scales and arpeggios to practise this and make our finger changes neater and quicker.

Coordinating tongue and fingers

Not only do we have to coordinate our fingers, but our tongue needs to match the speed of our finger movements too if we’re to play a genuinely legato melody. Once again, scales can be a useful tool to help achieve this.

Building up speed

Want to play faster? In that case you need to practise the patterns which occur most often in music and gradually learn to negotiate them more quickly. What’s the best way to do this? Yes, you’ve guessed it - scales and arpeggios!

Practising double tonguing

Once you’ve built up some velocity, you might need to explore double tonguing so your articulation can match the speed of your fingers. Again, using simple scale patterns are a great way to work on this without having to think about reading complex music at the same time.

For music exams

Most adult recorder players have no interest in working for exams, but if you’re someone who’s motivated by exams, you’ll need to learn some scales and arpeggios as well as pieces of music. The syllabus for the lower grades may only include a few different keys, but by grade 8 you’ll need to know all the major and minor keys.

Have I convinced you yet?

Assuming I have, you might well be asking some of the following questions…

Do I need to learn all of them?

In an ideal world, knowing all the major and minor scales and arpeggios (plus chromatic and other patterns) is a desirable aim. But this doesn’t mean you have to learn all of them! For anyone even learning a carefully chosen selection is immensely useful.

If you’re not sure where to begin, start by looking at the music you’re currently working on. What key is the piece in? For instance, if you’re playing a sonata with a key signature of two flats, try learning B flat major and G minor - the two scales with the same key signature. The music is likely to work through both of these keys at some point and if you can play these fluently the patterns you encounter in the piece will come more easily too.

Realistically, unless you choose to play Schickhardt’s set of recorder sonatas in every key, most music for our instrument explores a limited range of key signatures. It’s unusual to see recorder music in more than three sharps or flats, so I would recommend aiming for fluency in these keys before you worry about the exotic realms of D flat major or G sharp minor.

Do I have to learn them from memory?

This is a much debated topic among students and teachers. For music exams you’re expected to learn the prescribed scales and arpeggios from memory, but as we’ve already noted, many adult learners have no interest in testing themselves in this way.

In order to play scales fluently from memory you need to be completely on top of the finger patterns, knowing precisely which fingers to move between each note. This requires what is often called ‘muscle memory’, although in reality our muscles don’t have memories. This process is actually achieved by generating strong connections between our brains and the nerve pathways used to send instructions to the fingers. To achieve that (I plan to explore this more in a future blog post) requires lots of repetition, and in my experience, the process of memorising such patterns definitely seems to be harder for some people than others.

Memorising scale and arpeggio patterns presents a particular challenge for players of wind instruments. With the piano or a string instrument, there’s a logical visual pattern as you work your way up and down the keyboard or fingerboard. In contrast, each note on a wind instrument of any type requires a different combination of fingers. Yes, moving between some of these is fairly logical. But I’m sure you’ve noticed how that logic disappears when it comes to cross fingers (particularly flat and sharp notes) or the upper extremities of the recorder!

An additional challenge we face as recorder players is the limited range of our instrument. Most woodwind instruments can play scales covering at least a two, and sometimes three, octave range in all keys. In contrast, the recorder can comfortably manage a handful of scales at two octaves, but for most intermediate level players an octave and a half is the limit. This means scales come in different shapes to maximise the range we cover, either turning at the top or the bottom of the instrument. Remembering which scale follows which pattern is an additional thing to learn and can add extra stress to the process.

For my Score Lines subscribers I created scale sheets showing some of these patterns, which can be downloaded from your Members’ Area. I’ve linked to the treble recorder sheet here, but if you’d like access to all of them please feel free to subscribe here - it’s free and there are lots of other exclusive goodies for you to download besides the scales!

While learning scales and arpeggios from memory is undoubtedly desirable, I would argue that playing them from music is probably just as useful for most amateur recorder players. One of the most important skills to develop is sight reading (I’ve written a blog about this here) and being able to recognise scale patterns and convert them into fluent playing is a great way to achieve this. As with most skills, do this by starting slowly and gradually building up some speed.

How fast should I play them?

As with so many things, it depends! If you’re using a scale to develop your tone you might do best to play it very slowly - perhaps four beats on each note. But if fast playing is your aim you’ll need to take a different approach.

When I first started having lessons with Philip Thorby, I spent about three months solely working on slow scales and other exercises as we focused on developing my tone and legato playing. Ok, this may sound rather extreme, but I was aiming for a career as a professional player so it was absolutely necessary. My technique certainly benefitted from this approach and I finally began to understand scales and arpeggios in a way that set firm foundations for everything I was to learn later. Taking this approach with even just one scale and arpeggio can be hugely beneficial if it helps you focus on the foundations of your technique.

The most important thing is to play your chosen scale or arpeggio correctly from the very beginning. If that means you start out playing each note at a metronome speed of just 60 that’s absolutely fine, as long as the notes are 100% right. When you can consistently play all the notes fluently and cleanly at that speed, gradually increase the tempo until you reach your desired tempo, checking at every point that you’re still maintaining the same consistency and precision. A metronome is a really useful tool here to hold you at one speed.

How often should I practise my scales?

I’m a big advocate of little and often. Having a huge practising splurge on your scales just once a week makes it difficult to achieve consistent results. A much better way is to programme in short, frequent practice times - maybe five or ten minutes every day. This way you remind your fingers of the correct patterns at regular intervals so they become habitual more quickly. Perhaps even keep a recorder out at all times (a plastic instrument can be handy if you prefer to put away your wooden recorders) so you can pick it up and play a scale for a minute or two every time you walk by.

Which variety of minor scale should I practise?

Minor scales come in two different species - harmonic and melodic. Harmonic minors use the same notes whether you’re ascending or descending, so they’re slightly easier to memorise. However, they also include an augmented second interval (the 6th and 7th notes, which sound vaguely reminiscent of a snake charmer’s flute), circled in red below, which is less commonly used in western music.

A Harmonic Minor

In contrast, a melodic minor scale raises the 6th and 7th notes by a semitone on the way up and returns them to their original pitch on the way back down. This is an added complexity to memorise, but these melodic shapes (hence the name) are more frequently found in the music we play. For this reason, if your plan is to practise them with music and you only have time to work on one type of minor scale I’d recommend the melodics as a priority.

A Melodic Minor

Using scales and arpeggios creatively

Most readers of this blog won’t be looking to become professional recorder players, so being able to play in every key with total fluency and at high speed is probably not your aim in life! But you can still use these patterns to improve your playing and have some fun along the way. Here are a few ways you could use them…

Vary your tempo according to your intention

If you want to improve your tone you need to focus on quality rather than speed. For this I would pick an easy scale (perhaps no more than one sharp or flat in the key signature) and play it really slowly. By simplifying the notes you free up your brain to think about breathing deeply and blowing freely, producing the best possible tone on each note. Perhaps spend four slow beats on every note before moving on to the next, breathing as often as you need to, always focusing on using the optimum breath speed for each fingering.

If speed is your motivation, again begin at a modest tempo but focus on keeping your fingering even and well coordinated with your tonguing. Perhaps use a metronome to ensure you maintain a consistent tempo. As you perfect each speed setting, switch up the tempo by a small amount and repeat the exercise several times. If you begin to stumble, take the metronome down by a couple of notches and refine your playing before moving on. Be methodical in your approach and you’ll be surprised how much progress you can make in a fairly short space of time. If you’ve built up a good turn of speed with an easy scale why not take the tempo back down again and try it with a more complex key signature?

Experiment with different articulation patterns

The music we play often contains a wide variety of articulation, from long tongued passages to intricate patterns, where small groups of notes need to be slurred here and there. It’s a good idea to begin by practising scales and arpeggios smoothly tongued, staccato and in long slurs as these all demand different technical skills.

Alongside these single technique scales I recommend you also practise patterns that require you to mix slurring and tonguing - you can see some of my suggested patterns below. These are the sort of patterns you’ll encounter in the real world and if you can apply them to your scales they’ll seem less scary in context. These are just a few of my ideas, but don’t be afraid to come up with your own variations.

Four varied articulation patterns you could try out

Be playful

There’s no reason why you must always play complete scales. Don’t be afraid to be playful and creative. Breaking a scale down into groups of four or five notes, running up and down, may help you really master the transition between specific fingerings more quickly. Once you’ve got that fluency you can then glue these small groups back together into complete scales. For instance, you could break up the F major scale shown below like this:

Breaking an exercise like this down into bitesize pieces is a recognised technique, called chunking. It’s immensely useful as a means of building up fluency and consistency, allowing our brain to focus more efficiently on small amounts of information.

Explore different note patterns

Bored with just whizzing up and down your scales as printed? Why not add some variety and explore them by playing the notes in a different order? For instance you could play each one in thirds like this…

You could follow the same principle with fourths and fifths too, although these are harder….

If you’ve learnt every key how about mixing them all up together? One of my favourite challenges is to go up one scale, then move up a semitone and come back down the next one - for instance upwards through F major, down via F sharp major, up via G major, down via A flat and so forth. The same exercise is possible with the minor keys too. If you can play both of these fluently you can award yourself a generous gold star!

Major keys

Minor keys

Finally, look for the satisfaction in a scale played really well!

You may not feel the need to learn scales in every key, and for less experienced players such an aim may be too ambitious anyway. However, there’s a satisfaction to be gained from playing even one or two of them really well, even at a slow tempo.

Scales and arpeggios can be a valuable opportunity to find a contemplative zone, focusing on a simple task done to the best of your abilities. I enjoy spending a few minutes at the start of a practice session playing scales really slowly, closing my eyes and listening to my tone. I focus on the quality of my sound, tailoring the speed of my breath and the strength of my articulation to suit each individual note. By doing this I reinforce the good habits I’ve learnt over the years, as well as warming up mind, fingers, tongue and lungs before I move onto more demanding music.

I’d love to hear your thoughts about scales and arpeggios. Are they something you avoid at all costs, or have you cultivated a love for them? Perhaps you’re still on your journey to becoming a zen scale-master? If you have tips you want to share with others or experiences you’ve found useful over the years please do leave a comment below.

The practice files – preparing for action

What’s your strategy when it comes to recorder playing? Do you arrive at your rehearsal with seconds to spare, throw together your music stand and just get on with it? Or maybe you arrive early and spend some time mentally and physically preparing for the music to come? I’m sure we’ve all employed both these strategies at times, but I think the whole concept of preparing and warming up is one we frequently should take more seriously.


Why warm up?

Picture for a moment the athletes we see competing at the Olympics. Do they pitch up at the stadium and immediately line up for the 100m sprint? Of course not! They know from years of training, that their bodies work better when they’ve warmed up. A warm up prepares you physically and mentally, and means you’re much less likely to injure yourself.

Now picture yourself when you’re practising at home, or during rehearsals. Do you consider yourself an athlete? No? You really should do! Like sportsmen and women we do the same repetitive task over and over again. Yes, we may often do this sitting down, but we’re still making heavy demands of our bodies over long periods of time.


There are different ways to warm up

Let’s look at the different types of warm up you might consider…

Physically preparing for work

Like an athlete, it’s a good idea to do some stretches, to prepare your muscles for the work ahead of them. These needn’t take a long while, but a few simple exercises before playing (and during breaks too if you wish) can be enormously beneficial. Warm muscles will be more relaxed and less prone to injury too. If there’s one thing that’ll stop you playing it’s pain from an injury or overworked muscles and joints. Anything you can do to prevent this is good.

When we’re young we feel invincible and take it for granted that our bodies will bounce back if we overwork or neglect them. As we age we recover less quickly and develop more aches and pains. This is something I’ve become more aware of myself in recent years, with more frequent pains in my hands. No doubt there’s a little arthritis in some of my finger joints (not uncommon in any joint you use repetitively for years) but I help mitigate that by using some simple exercises given to me by my physio. I now better understand how my hands and arms work together. Doing some stretches and a little self massage of the muscles in my forearms before and after playing make a huge difference to my comfort and recovery time.

These are two stretches I find particularly useful, which aren’t included in the other resources below:

The British Association for Performing Arts Medicine have created a handy sheet of warm ups for musicians, which I’ve shared before. It’s available to download in your Members’ Area or by clicking here

If you prefer to see a real human being demonstrating exercises like these, so you can join in with them, I also recommend this video by Sarah Jeffery. Sarah’s amazing Team Recorder YouTube channel is an excellent resource and if you don’t already subscribe to it I recommend you go and explore her videos - they’re an absolute treasure trove!

Mental preparation

Don’t underestimate the benefit of thinking about your music before you begin. It’s easy to be impatient, leaping straight in to play. Instead, take time to look at your music and think it through first. Imagine how it’ll feel to play the long notes, with a relaxed, open sound. Then mentally play through the fast passages, focusing on the speed you’ll play and how you can make it easier by keeping fingers and tongue relaxed. A few moments of preparation will immediately give you a better chance of playing the music well.

Breathe well

Before you play, take a few moments to concentrate on your breathing.

We take breathing for granted as it happens instinctively, but playing the recorder makes greater demands than everyday life. Air is the life blood of our tone – without a well controlled breathing technique we compromise the quality of our sound.

Take a few moments to close your eyes and breathe in deeply. Not a quick gulp, but a leisurely, relaxed inhalation where you can really feel your stomach and ribcage expanding to accommodate the incoming air. Breathe in and out in this relaxed way for a minute or so. Then repeat again with pursed lips so you have some resistance to exhale against. This more closely replicates the resistance you feel from your recorder’s windway. As you do this, count slowly to four on each inhalation and exhalation to help you control your speed. This simple exercise will make you more aware of how you breathe. As this technique becomes instinctive it’ll help you develop your tone. There’s lots more information about breathing well in my blog post about developing your tone.

Now pick up a recorder and play some long notes, breathing in the same way. Focus on making a full, well supported tone, keeping the same quality of sound throughout the entire length of the note. Try playing your long notes with a metronome set to 60 and keep a record of how many beats you can maintain that beautiful tone in different parts of the instrument. With regular practice you’ll gradually be able to extend your long notes as you gain better control of your lungs and diaphragm.

Another useful exercise is to play slow scales to help you develop your tone and breathing throughout the recorder’s range. Once again, set your metronome to 60 and play four beats on every note, focusing on breathing and tone. Speed is not required here, so the metronome will help you control things, especially if you’re naturally one of those people who’s prone to rushing! Most importantly, breathe as often as you need to rather than compromising your tone by running out of air.

Sit well

We spend a lot of time seated when we play so it’s important to cultivate a good posture. Adopting a balanced posture will help you play better and combat tension. Remember, tension has a habit of spreading. If your back is uncomfortable you’ll gradually find your shoulders tense up and before you know it your tone becomes tight and thin.

While you’re doing your breathing warm up, take the time to find a really good seated position. I’ve written about the art of finding the ideal playing posture in more detail here.

Warm up your fingers

As with other warm ups, begin slowly, focusing on the quality of your finger movements. Working in front of a mirror is really helpful because you can objectively check if your fingers are working well.  

Start with pairs of notes, maybe using your metronome set to 60 to control your speed. Really watch what your fingers are doing. Their movements should be small – no flapping! No matter how slow the music, fingers should always move quickly to create clean transitions. Aim to remain as relaxed as possible and use your mirror to check that when you’re moving several fingers at once, they move exactly together.

Now try this exercise, working your way up gradually from the bottom of your instrument. Don’t be afraid to use your metronome to regulate your tempo if that helps. Begin with an easy key, but perhaps also try it with a scale with three sharps or flats. The keys of E flat and A major require more cross fingerings (B flat and G sharp for instance) and this’ll help you improve the clarity of your finger movements when you’re moving several of them at the same time.

Warming up for speed

Once you’ve got your fingers moving efficiently at slow speeds, it’s time to get them moving more quickly. The following exercise will work your right and left hand fingers, with small groups of notes to keep things simple. Begin at a speed where you can maintain complete control and evenness while slurring and then gradually increase your tempo. Again, a metronome can be a really powerful tool here.

You can use a similar pattern to cover an entire scale, gradually working your way upwards or downwards. Start slowly and steadily increase your speed, always keeping the finger movements even and efficient.

Awaken your tongue!

Articulation is the voice of our instrument, creating light and shade in our playing. The tongue is a muscle too, so it also needs warming up! Begin smoothly with some of your scale patterns, making a full tone and using a gentle ‘doo’ tonguing to create a connected line of notes.

Now try the same thing with staccato notes. Listen critically to the shortness of your notes. Are they truly detached (but not accented!) and all exactly the same length? Remember, your tongue must remain as relaxed for staccato as for legato articulation – don’t let it become like a pile driver!

Finally, mix things up and combine legato and staccato. Here are some patterns you could try using the same five note pattern:

Do remember, all the warm ups I’ve shared here are just ideas to get you started. Don’t be afraid to make up your own warm ups, especially for fingers and tongue – be creative and have fun!

Five quick tips

  1. Begin gently. Don’t leap in to practise your most challenging piece of music first. Instead, begin with something simple which allows you spare mental capacity to focus on awareness of your body and the basics of technique.

  2. Be in harmony with your instrument. Use a thumb rest or sling (especially with larger recorders) to provide support or your instrument and reduce strain on your body. Set yourself up with a good posture and then make the recorder come to you, rather than the opposite, and you’ll remain relaxed for longer.

  3. Don’t underestimate the stresses travel puts on your body. Sitting in the car in one position for a long while, hands gripping the steering wheel, can create tension in your arms and fingers. If you travel by train or bus you may be limited in how much you can move about and relax, and you may be carrying heavy bags and instrument cases. Be sure to stretch and relax after you’ve finished travelling and before you begin playing.

  4. Don’t arrive at the last minute in a panic! Instead, aim to get to your rehearsal venue early so you can spend a few minutes breathing deeply and doing some stretches. You’ll feel the benefit in terms of relaxation and concentration levels. You could do these warm ups together as a group.

  5. Listen to your body and never ignore pain. Discomfort and pain is your body’s way of telling you something is wrong. Rather than playing through the pain, stop for a few minutes. Take a stroll, gently stretch the muscles and regain your focus and relaxation. If the pain persists don’t be afraid to seek advice from a doctor or physiotherapist. I’ve built up a good relationship with a local physiotherapist over the years who’s helped me understand my body better. The knowledge I’ve gained helps me avoid injuries by using my muscles more effectively. If and when things do go wrong I seek help swiftly and one treatment usually sorts me out again!


Do you need to do everything?

After reading all of this you’re probably thinking, '“How am I going to fit in my practice when I need to do all these warm ups?!”

All of the ideas I’ve shared here are intended as a basis for healthy practising and rehearsal. You don’t need to do all of them every time you play - after all, there are only so many hours in a day! I would always recommend doing a few minutes of stretches before you play, simply to warm up your muscles for the work ahead. Beyond that, you can tailor the rest to the work you plan to do in that particular session.

Playing a slow melody? Then focus your warming up on efficient breathing and beautiful tone production. Likewise, if you’re embarking on a whizzy piece of Vivaldi, some finger warm ups might be more appropriate. Be selective and do what works for you, and don’t be afraid to change things up from time to time. Boredom can be the enemy of learning, especially if you end up doing things by rote and not really paying attention to your actions. A change of routine every now and then is always a good thing, if only to keep you concentrating!

Do you have some favourite warm ups?

We all develop our own strategies over the years and I’d love to hear what sort of things you do to prepare for playing. Please do share a comment below so we can pool our ideas and create a killer warm up routine!

The Practice Files

I don’t know about you, but I’ve had a love/hate relationship with practising at various times in my musical life. It’d be wonderful if we came fully formed to our chosen instrument, but the simple fact is it takes time to build up skills. In his book Outliers, Malcolm Gladwell talks about the concept of needing 10,000 hours of practice at anything to become world class in that skill. He offers examples as diverse as Bill Gates’ computer programming skills and the Beatles’ time spent performing hundreds of concerts in Hamburg. This theory doesn’t take into account natural talent (which Gladwell notes is undoubtedly useful) but does reveal the importance of repetition in the process of honing any skill.

For most musicians the motivation behind practising isn’t to become world class. For some this is the aim, but the rest of us have other ideas…. Let’s take a look at some of them.

Why do we practise?

It’s important to have an understanding of your motivation when it comes to practising. After all, it’s usually a means to an end rather than practising for its own sake. These are some of the reasons I practise, but no doubt you’ll have your own motivations:

  • Improving my technique - for instance, speeding up a difficult passage or expanding my breath control.

  • To learn new repertoire - this one’s a big motivator. Life gets very dull when you perpetually stick with the same pieces of music.

  • Working on new skills. When I first went to music college I spent many hours improving my legato articulation, which in turn helped me to master double tonguing.

  • Preparing for a performance - this one’s uppermost in my mind right now, as I polish up tricky passages in readiness for a concert next week.

  • For fun! Yes, even practising can be fun and there are times when I’ll rip through unfamiliar repertoire just for the heck of it.

Always have a pencil handy when you’re practising and don’t be afraid to use it!

How to practise well

There are endless elements to practising, but if you want to make real progress the most important thing is the quality of your practice. It’s all very well endlessly repeating a passage, but if you’re not taking care to listen to what you’re doing with self awareness it becomes rather pointless. It’s easy for practice to be counterproductive if done in the wrong way.

Let’s look at a few of the strategies you can use to ensure your practice is of the highest quality:

How much practice is enough?

The simple answer is, it depends! A budding professional pianist, studying at a conservatoire, may need to do six hours a day - partly to learn the large scale repertoire, but also to build up the stamina necessary to perform big pieces by Rachmaninov, Brahms and others.

For an amateur recorder player, practising for six hours will probably leave you with very soggy instruments and diminishing returns! While at music college I regularly did 3-4 hours practice each day but, looking back, I realise I didn’t always practise efficiently and could probably achieve the same results in less time now. If you reach the end of an hour’s practice and can see improvement in the piece you’re playing that’s a good result. Quality of practice is just as important as quantity.

Practise efficiently

If you’re juggling working life with recorder practice it can be difficult to achieve everything you hope for. If you find you run out of time, try to practise in a more focused way. On days when you’re short of time, perhaps zoom straight in on the bits you find difficult and save longer run throughs for days when you have more time.

Don’t try to take on the whole world at once

Always listen critically as you play and be sure to stop and sort problems out as soon as possible. Rather than trying to work on huge quantities of repertoire, sometimes challenge yourself to really master just a bar or two with polish so the gains you make really last. Then you can return with confidence at the next practice session and add to that progress.

Are you working towards a deadline?

If you’re preparing for an exam or a performance that’s when you really need to knuckle down and practise effectively. If you don’t have a deadline in the near future don’t feel bad if you have off days - we all have practice sessions where nothing goes quite as planned!

Keeping motivated

Motivation is so important - without a clear desire and sense of direction it’s easy to get downhearted and lose your way. If you find yourself flagging, bear these points in mind:

Looking for new inspiration? Why not explore working from facsimiles of historical notation?

Don’t be afraid to try new things and explore. This might involve working on a different technical skill or reading through some unfamiliar repertoire. Have fun, trying something new and don’t be afraid to make a mess as you explore!

Don’t keep flogging a piece until you feel it’s perfect. Remember, perfection doesn’t exist - at least not for human beings! Sometimes you’ll reach a point where you have achieved all you can with the technical skills you currently have and that’s absolutely fine.

If you hit a wall with a piece of music, don’t be afraid to put it to one side for a while. Even when you stop working on something the music will continue to process in your subconscious. Countless times I’ve returned to a piece I worked on previously, only to find it’s improved in the intervening months - partly because my technique has improved through working on other things, and partly because it’s continued swilling around in my subconscious!

Ten tips for better practice

I’ll cover lots of these topics in more detail over the coming months, but here are ten quick ideas to help you focus your practice more efficiently.

  1. Warming up. Don’t neglect this element of practising. Just as an athlete warms up their muscles, you need to limber up your fingers, awaken your diaphragm for deep breathing and relax your throat to make a truly beautiful tone. A few minutes spent on the fundamentals of technique can make a huge difference to the progress you make in what follows.

  2. Scales and arpeggios. As a teenager I was a teacher’s nightmare - I hated scales with a passion and always left learning them until the last week or two before an exam! It was only as an adult I really learnt to appreciate what working on these simple patterns could do for my playing. If you’re not working towards an exam you don’t need to practise them in every key - instead pick the ones with keys which feature in the music you’re practising. Do you find them hard to memorise? Play them with music instead - at least then you’ll recognise the patterns when they appear in real music!

  3. Choose repertoire strategically to focus on specific skills. That might be reading up an octave, playing music with a minim pulse or getting to grips with a new size of recorder. Pick a piece where you can really focus on one thing rather than trying to multitask all the time.

  4. Don’t spend all your time at the bleeding edge of your capabilities. Sometimes it’s helpful to select a simple piece and focus on playing it with real polish. A slow melody gives you time to think about the beauty of your tone, or to concentrate on the quality of your finger movements.

  5. Record yourself so you hear your playing as a third party. If you have a smartphone use the voice memo app to record a piece you’ve been working on. You’ll be amazed at the things you notice which slip past unheard while you’re in the throes of playing!

  6. Keep a recorder out at all times (a plastic instrument is handy for this). If you have a particular weakness, pick the instrument up every time you pass by and spend 30 seconds working on whatever skill you’ve selected. This could be as simple as playing clean low notes, maintaining a relaxed throat or picking confident high notes out of thin air. Doing this several time a day can be a really good way to hone good habits.

  7. Find a practice buddy. Then you can share pieces and explore duet repertoire. You’ll learn a lot by bouncing ideas off each other, and responding to one another as you play together. Challenge yourselves to work on different things and be honest about flaws you see in each other’s playing. You’ll each have different strengths and weaknesses.

  8. Practise little and often. A short practice session (maybe even just a few minutes) will often be more effective than one big splurge once a week. Regular repetition of skills brings swifter progress. For many years I set myself the challenge of taking at least one new photo every day. Even on busy days, when I took just a handful of photos, this taught me something new and my photography skills improved more quickly than if I’d just got my camera out for holidays.

  9. Find a routine. Think about how you work best elsewhere in life. Do you achieve the most in the morning? Then set aside a little time at the start of the day to practise, so it’s done before you get distracted by other jobs. Or maybe you prefer your practice to come at the end of the day as a respite from the stresses of life. There’s no single correct answer.

  10. Structure your practice time. Good habits are developed through consistency and thoughtful repetition. Try building a regular pattern into your practice sessions - perhaps five minutes’ warm up, a selection of scales & arpeggios, followed by more detailed work on repertoire. This will help you build your technique efficiently.

Playing with others can be a great way to mix up your practice routine

Do you have to practise?

There’s no getting away from the fact that practice really does help you improve as a player. However, there will be times when you just want to get on and play. Many years ago a member of my class at a course boldly told me that she never practised. For her, playing with friends at her local Society of Recorder Players branch was enough and she had other ways she wanted to spend her free time at home. Who am I to say that’s wrong? Sometimes we all need some downtime, and if you have periods when you take a break from formal practice that’s fine!

Finally, remember this….

By definition, as an amateur musician you play the recorder for love rather than for a living. So your practice should also be a pleasure, not a chore! Yes, have clear aims for your practice when you want to really make progress. But equally, don’t be afraid to have fun too. Even the act of romping through some unfamiliar music in a rough and ready way will bring benefits and will blow the cobwebs away!

What are your practice conundrums?

In the coming weeks and months I’ll return to some of the points I’ve covered here, to help you become a more skilled practiser. Lots of you have already sent me suggestions and requests, but if you have a burning question please don’t hesitate to leave a comment below or drop me a line via email, and I’ll build them into my future blog posts. Equally, if you’ve got a top practice tip you want to share, please do leave a comment below - let’s see if we can all help each other!